1998 One of my earliest memories is of a dream. I’m not sure, exactly, how much of a dream it actually was. Sometimes, when my
Author: sw.
I'm an Oklahoma native who feels restless in both body and spirit.
I write in my spare time, but, mostly, I want to feel connected to the larger world around me. I've spent the majority of my life in a haze, and part of the process of returning to myself has been to write recollections and share more of myself with others.
Frozen in Time [Petrified Forest National Park, AZ]
August 4, 2019 Sixteen hours seems a lot longer when you’re sitting in the passenger seat of a car driving one way West on I-40.
Toeing the (Country) Line [Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany]
The one with a rained-out hike.
The Last Days [Tokyo, Japan]
The one with Disney Sea.
Lazy Adventures [Lone Rock Beach, UT]
The one with a car stuck in the sand.
Scorched Sunrise [Santa Fe, New Mexico]
The one with a weird, intensive art installation museum.
You’ve Cat to be Kiddin’ Me [Tokyo, Japan]
The one with a cat cafe.
Misty Mountains Old [Tokyo, Japan]
The one with Mount Fuji
Solo Sight Seer [Tokyo, Japan]
The one with the shrine(s).
Fortune Teller [Tokyo, Japan]
The one with a fortune teller.